Monday, May 17, 2010

Winter Whites are starting to MATE

CONGRATULATIONS TO MY BOO BEAR AND SAPPHIRE! THEY ARE FINALLY STARTING TO MATE! They are pretty discreet about it. They don't want anyone to see them mating. Every time I look up at them while they are mating, they immediately stop. I think it's going to be difficult to get a video shot of them mating like I did with my robos. That's okay. Also, the mating isn't going to successful though. They are mating.. but not going all the way. So I don't think its successful enough to say that Sapphire is not pregnant. But when I do see them having a successful mating ritual and then start successfully mating, I will give everyone the heads up on the due dates and what not. Since Sapphire is a Sapphire Winter White and Boo Bear is an Agouti Winter White, They will be having mixed babies, i'm sure. The only problem is that the sapphire gene isn't dominant, just recessive therefore there will not be a lot of Sapphire babies in the litter. I am planning to dominate this gene in the future babies so getting more sapphires will be easier.
I am taking requests on wait listers until the end of this month for the ROBO litter. There are a few people already interested and are on the wait list, so get on the wait list asap if you want the WAITLISTERS DISCOUNT! ($5 off each hamster) The Winter White's upcoming litter will have its own discount, but the Robos wait list will be ending soon. When I get 10 wait listers total, I will not be taking any more wait listers for their litter. (I know their litter isn't going to be that big since it's their first) The last people on the wait list who does not get a hamster this litter will get one next litter (first picks) along with a small bag of hamster food. It's mesmerizing to think about all the new baby robos that will be here in just a week!
Please keep in mind that even when the ROBOS wait list is over, the Winter White's upcoming litter will still be taking wait listers for a $5 off discount and a mini photo album that shows pictures of the baby hamster when they are just born, until they are 4-5 weeks old. :) All handling will be done by me personally to make sure they are tame and nicely handled for their new home. :)
I just want to let everyone know that mini photo albums that come with the wait lister's package will be awesome! It will have pictures of your hamster when they are just born up until they are about 4-5 weeks old! It will have his/her own personal info inside as well (name, D.O.B., breed, coloring, etc) The pictures will be taken by me, and although I am not professional or what not, I can take some pretty nice pictures. ;D haha

Anyways. Tomorrow I will be putting up the questionnaire I send people to get on the wait list. Some people are being hesitant to email me regarding wait list because they are feeling intimidated by this.. QUESTIONNAIRE. I just want to let you all know that there is nothing to fear! The questionnaire is just a few basic questions regarding your knowledge with hamsters of that breed. And if you answer one of the questions and I don't like your answer, I will just reject you. No biggy! HAHA JUST KIDDING! If you answer a question where I disagree, I will just try to correct the answer with you until we have a better understanding about everything so the hamster can go to YOU and live happy and peacefully.. FOREVER. The questionnaire is very simple. It's got questions like.. "WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS HAMSTER?" "WHAT KIND OF BEDDING WILL YOU BE USING?" "WHAT KIND OF HABITAT ARE YOU USING FOR THIS HAMSTER?" stuff like that. So don't be afraid.. just send me a quick email and I will send you the questionnaire and if you still feel overwhelmed, we can communicate through email a better way of answering these questions. And you can also call me to have a quick chat about the upcoming pups and stuff. Just email me and I will send you my number. :)
So meet back here tomorrow for the questionnaire, for it will be up so you guys can see how SIMPLE it is. I don't interrogate you. I just try to understand where you stand and how we can make an arrangement to make your new hamster as happy as possible. Get it? Good. :)

OK EVERYONE. I THINK I SAID ALL THAT I NEED TO SAY FOR TONIGHT. If you have any questions regarding the wait list and the wait lister's package, please feel free to email me. I reply within 24 hours.
You can go to to get full information. There you can meet Truffles, Bon Bon, Sapphire, and Boo and see what's new. Also check out our youtube. We update weekly. Flickr was updated yesterday so you can check that out as well. And I think that's about it. I hope everyone had a good weekend. It's time to get back to work!

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