Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picture updated

HELLO HAMSTER LOVERS! I just want to let everyone know that I have updated all my photos. Please visit my flickr to see all the cute photos I have taken of my hamsters. I learned that my camera has a macro setting and the pictures come out so much clearer when I put that setting on. I can get real close to the hamsters (if they dont run away!) and the pictures come out pretty clear.
Another thing I want to talk about before I sleep is Bon Bon's pregnancy. As we all know, Bon Bon has kicked Truffles out and lets him sleep alone. Thats a sign! Truffles also made bon bon a nest! (which i destroyed because I was so curious to see what was inside!) and today Truffles tried mating with Bon Bon, and Bon Bon fought back! she said NO WAY! and kicked him to the curb! Thats a sign that she is pregnant! If she wasnt, she wouldve let him mate her.. but nope. she stood her ground because she has little babies waiting inside her.
I did read a lot that mothers neglect their babies if they get pregnant again too early. I am a little worried because I always wanted truffles to be there for the babies and help Bon Bon out but Im scared that she may get pregnant again and neglect her babies. Thats something I have to think about. :T
Last but not least, Winter Whites. I DONT KNOW WHEN THEY ARE GOING TO MATE. yesterday it seemed like Sapphire was in heat. she kept rolling around in front of Boo and giving him a little squeak but he just keeps walking away. I dont know what to think or expect. :( Maybe they are just not compatible. :(

Anyways. Thats it for tonight. I am pretttttty tired. Long day! I had work and made some money to spend on my hamsters tomorrow. Ill update soon. :)

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