Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yesterday I got a new white faced Roborovski Hamster. His name was HAMMIE in his previous home but I ended up renaming him to WHIDEY. (like white-ee). He was bought in September so he is full grown and ready to have babies. I just need to find him a new girl friend. I am hoping that when Bon Bon heals from having her babies, she and Whidey can mate and have some white faced babies as well. So I am having a special for that. FIRST 2 WAIT LISTERS WILL GET A FREE WHITE FACED ROBO (first person on the wait list will get first picks, female or male. Then the 2nd wait lister will get second picks on all the pups)!!! So if you are interested in getting a FREE white faced robo, just email me RIGHT NOW and request it because only the first 2 people who request being on the wait list will get them for free. :D ALSO. You must be able to pick the pups up. I do not ship the pups so you also have to be from around my area. I am from the BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA. So if you are from the bay area and you want a free white faced robo, PLEASE EMAIL ME RIGHT NOW. ONLY THE FIRST TWO PEOPLE WHO REQUEST WILL GET THE FREE WHITE FACED ROBO!!!!
So let me tell you the story about Whidey because its pretty funny. 2 days ago I found an ad on craiglist of a person needing to find a new home for her 2 male robo hamsters. She said one was all white with a little patch of brown on his back so i emailed her yesterday asking to send a picture but she didnt have one so she send a picture of a hamster she found online that looked just like it. IT WAS A PICTURE OF A WHITE FACED ROBO! Since I had school at 7pm and the lady had work until 6:30pm, I asked my sister to go pick him up. I didnt want someone else to see the ad and go get him before me. ><>
Whidey doesnt get along too well with Truffles so I had to separated him. I am thinking about getting him his own critter trail home. Right now he is in a 5 gallon fish tank with just a wheel, hut, water, and food. I feel horrible! He has no room to run around. So tomorrow I will go look for a new habitat for him. :D
Whitey is such a white face robo! I mean, DUH, he's a white faced.. BUT HE ALSO IS ALMOST ALL WHITE! The patch of brown on his back is so light, you can barely see it in pictures. He is really hyper and excited. I cant wait until he has some babies that will be just like him. :) The white faced babies will be a higher price than the agoutis, keep in mind, so make sure you request one fast so you can get one for free. :)
Bon Bon is due in just 9 days. She got impregnated on 5/2/10. It takes about 20-22 days until she has her babies. But I gave her a 25 day limit. If she has her babies in 20 days, she will be due on the 22nd, 4 days from today. So I guess I can say she is due in 4-9 days. :) Hopefully 4. Well i hope you guys are interested in her babies, because there is only 2 slots left on the wait list! And if I cannot find homes for them, I will end up having to put them on craigslist and I really do not want to do that. :( Bon Bon is kicking out Truffles and no longer lets him sleep with her. She also is burrowing all over the place and hiding in her little burrowed holes. I hope this is a clear sign that she is due soon. I am so excited everyone! Her babies will grow up being hand held (not before 4 weeks though because I dont want her to eat her babies) and will also be very tamed. Email me asap if you want to be on the wait list. 2 SLOTS LEFT EVERYONE! ONLY 2!!!!!!

WHITE FACED ROBO SPECIAL (terms and conditions)
First two people who request being on the wait list will get a FREE white faced robo of their choice. The robos available will be the next litter for Whidey (the white faced robo) and Bon Bon (the agouti robo). If the litter is 2 boy and one girl, the first person requested being on the wait list will get first picks, either boy or girl. The second person will get second picks. The first two wait listers will only get to pick ONE robo. After the second person picks one, the first person will get to pick as many more robos they would like to purchase from the litter. Then the second person, then anyone else who is on the wait list. Any remaining robos will be put up on the site and can go to anyone. This means, only the first 2 people are guaranteed a white faced robo. Everyone else on the wait list may not get one since the first two may be able to take them all. The rest of the wait listers will have to wait for the next litter and HOPE that there will be another special. :) GOOD LUCK!

1. Email thehappyhamsters@yahoo.com
2. Subject must say: "REQUEST WL" (this must be in cap letters. " " is an option.)
3. Message must say: "ROBO WHITE FACE SPECIAL. WDxBB. FEMALE/MALE (pick one)." You may put any message you'de like after that. WDxBB stands for Whidey x Bon Bon.
4. I will send you an email within 24 hours saying what number wait list you are.
5. Email back if you are still interested within 24 hours or you will be denied
6. I will send you another email within 24 hours. It will have a small questionnaire that you must answer with full honesty. Must be sent within 24 hours of getting it. (YES, I KEEP TRACK!)
7. After I receive your questionnaire, I will email you stating if you passed the questionnaire and if you are eligible to actually get a hamster from me.
8. You then have to wait until the litter is born and you will get picked according to your wait list number.
NOTE: If you fail to meet the dead lines, you will have to request all over again, starting from emailing me with the subject saying "REQUEST WL" and a message saying "ROBO WHITE FACE SPECIAL. WDxBB. FEMALE/MALE."

Well, I hope you guys will enjoy the special! And GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL. Free white face robo will ONLY go to the first 2 people who request, CORRECTLY!

Monday, May 17, 2010

New Habitat for the Winter Whites!

Today I got the Winter White's a new cage! It is the CritterTrail One Level Habitat *PINK EDITION* It came with a wheel, water bottle, food dish, removable petting zone, etc ALL IN PINK! I did take out the wheel though because it was too loud and I put in the silent spinner I had before. Its in magenta/red so it doesnt look bad. I also got them an igloo that is magenta as well. Poor Boo, he's in a girly cage! haha. Here are some pictures of the cage, setup, and the hamsters enjoying it. :) Please check back soon.
Bon Bon's Roborovski litter is due in 7-10 days and I only have 2 slots left for the waiting list. Yesterday I talked about the Wait Lister's package. We are calling that the PUP PACKAGE now. There are new rules and conditions for that as well. Here states the following:
For $10 more, you will receive the hamster, a small sample bag of food, a mini photo album, and updates on your new hamster! Every 2-3 days, I will be sending you emails with photos attached of your new little hamster as it grows older and older until they are in your loving home! If you are on the waitlist but do not get the pup package, you will not be getting updates. You will have to wait until the day you get it to see how well its grown. The emails will also have all the info you need to know about your hamster, including our taming sessions. The pup package is a great deal and everyone wants to know what their hamsters looked like when they were just a few days old! Photos will be taken by this order and put into the album: 1st day up to 12th day, 14th day, and 4 weeks old. :)
The winter white's due date is still being determined. They are still trying to mate and none successful yet. I will update you about that asap. :) I will also be posting the questionnaire later tonight so please check back on that also. thanks guys. Hope everyone is enjoying their monday!

Critter Trail: One Level Habitat *PINK EDITION* for the Winter Whites. :)

Winter Whites are starting to MATE

CONGRATULATIONS TO MY BOO BEAR AND SAPPHIRE! THEY ARE FINALLY STARTING TO MATE! They are pretty discreet about it. They don't want anyone to see them mating. Every time I look up at them while they are mating, they immediately stop. I think it's going to be difficult to get a video shot of them mating like I did with my robos. That's okay. Also, the mating isn't going to successful though. They are mating.. but not going all the way. So I don't think its successful enough to say that Sapphire is not pregnant. But when I do see them having a successful mating ritual and then start successfully mating, I will give everyone the heads up on the due dates and what not. Since Sapphire is a Sapphire Winter White and Boo Bear is an Agouti Winter White, They will be having mixed babies, i'm sure. The only problem is that the sapphire gene isn't dominant, just recessive therefore there will not be a lot of Sapphire babies in the litter. I am planning to dominate this gene in the future babies so getting more sapphires will be easier.
I am taking requests on wait listers until the end of this month for the ROBO litter. There are a few people already interested and are on the wait list, so get on the wait list asap if you want the WAITLISTERS DISCOUNT! ($5 off each hamster) The Winter White's upcoming litter will have its own discount, but the Robos wait list will be ending soon. When I get 10 wait listers total, I will not be taking any more wait listers for their litter. (I know their litter isn't going to be that big since it's their first) The last people on the wait list who does not get a hamster this litter will get one next litter (first picks) along with a small bag of hamster food. It's mesmerizing to think about all the new baby robos that will be here in just a week!
Please keep in mind that even when the ROBOS wait list is over, the Winter White's upcoming litter will still be taking wait listers for a $5 off discount and a mini photo album that shows pictures of the baby hamster when they are just born, until they are 4-5 weeks old. :) All handling will be done by me personally to make sure they are tame and nicely handled for their new home. :)
I just want to let everyone know that mini photo albums that come with the wait lister's package will be awesome! It will have pictures of your hamster when they are just born up until they are about 4-5 weeks old! It will have his/her own personal info inside as well (name, D.O.B., breed, coloring, etc) The pictures will be taken by me, and although I am not professional or what not, I can take some pretty nice pictures. ;D haha

Anyways. Tomorrow I will be putting up the questionnaire I send people to get on the wait list. Some people are being hesitant to email me regarding wait list because they are feeling intimidated by this.. QUESTIONNAIRE. I just want to let you all know that there is nothing to fear! The questionnaire is just a few basic questions regarding your knowledge with hamsters of that breed. And if you answer one of the questions and I don't like your answer, I will just reject you. No biggy! HAHA JUST KIDDING! If you answer a question where I disagree, I will just try to correct the answer with you until we have a better understanding about everything so the hamster can go to YOU and live happy and peacefully.. FOREVER. The questionnaire is very simple. It's got questions like.. "WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS HAMSTER?" "WHAT KIND OF BEDDING WILL YOU BE USING?" "WHAT KIND OF HABITAT ARE YOU USING FOR THIS HAMSTER?" stuff like that. So don't be afraid.. just send me a quick email and I will send you the questionnaire and if you still feel overwhelmed, we can communicate through email a better way of answering these questions. And you can also call me to have a quick chat about the upcoming pups and stuff. Just email me and I will send you my number. :)
So meet back here tomorrow for the questionnaire, for it will be up so you guys can see how SIMPLE it is. I don't interrogate you. I just try to understand where you stand and how we can make an arrangement to make your new hamster as happy as possible. Get it? Good. :)

OK EVERYONE. I THINK I SAID ALL THAT I NEED TO SAY FOR TONIGHT. If you have any questions regarding the wait list and the wait lister's package, please feel free to email me. I reply within 24 hours.
You can go to www.thehappyhamster.webstarts.com to get full information. There you can meet Truffles, Bon Bon, Sapphire, and Boo and see what's new. Also check out our youtube. We update weekly. www.youtube.com/robohamsterify. Flickr was updated yesterday so you can check that out as well. www.flickr.com/thehappyhamsters. And I think that's about it. I hope everyone had a good weekend. It's time to get back to work!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Picture updated

HELLO HAMSTER LOVERS! I just want to let everyone know that I have updated all my photos. Please visit my flickr to see all the cute photos I have taken of my hamsters. I learned that my camera has a macro setting and the pictures come out so much clearer when I put that setting on. I can get real close to the hamsters (if they dont run away!) and the pictures come out pretty clear.
Another thing I want to talk about before I sleep is Bon Bon's pregnancy. As we all know, Bon Bon has kicked Truffles out and lets him sleep alone. Thats a sign! Truffles also made bon bon a nest! (which i destroyed because I was so curious to see what was inside!) and today Truffles tried mating with Bon Bon, and Bon Bon fought back! she said NO WAY! and kicked him to the curb! Thats a sign that she is pregnant! If she wasnt, she wouldve let him mate her.. but nope. she stood her ground because she has little babies waiting inside her.
I did read a lot that mothers neglect their babies if they get pregnant again too early. I am a little worried because I always wanted truffles to be there for the babies and help Bon Bon out but Im scared that she may get pregnant again and neglect her babies. Thats something I have to think about. :T
Last but not least, Winter Whites. I DONT KNOW WHEN THEY ARE GOING TO MATE. yesterday it seemed like Sapphire was in heat. she kept rolling around in front of Boo and giving him a little squeak but he just keeps walking away. I dont know what to think or expect. :( Maybe they are just not compatible. :(

Anyways. Thats it for tonight. I am pretttttty tired. Long day! I had work and made some money to spend on my hamsters tomorrow. Ill update soon. :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Welcome to The Happy Hamsters. I breed Roborovski and Winter White dwarf hamsters as a hobby. These hamsters are not intended for shows and are not under any hamster association standards. They are just my pets that I love and breeding them is a fun and educational experience to go through. I understand that there are many hamsters out there that have no homes and that is why I want to acknowledge you to adopt a homeless hamster before you run to a breeder. Give these guys a 2nd chance, because they deserve it!
All animal rescue groups have hamsters that need new homes so please check your local shelter. Purchasing a hamster through breeders have only a few benefits, but saving a life has much more.
Breeders: You get to know the exact age of your hamster. You get to see their parents physical characteristics as well as temperment and personalities. You can get a small 3 generation pedigree which shows you their breed.
Adopting from Shelter: These hamsters have unknown age but who cares? You are giving them a second chance, despite the fact that they are already a year or 2 old. Even though they dont have much time left, they still deserve a second chance and their last remaining bits of life being the best it could possibly be. Please consider this. It is very important.

If you are interested in buying a hamster from me, I do have a few websites that you can check out.
(for information)
(for details)
(for video updates)
(for picture updates)

all these sites are updated every week. So check back often.


Boo and Sapphire got a new cage yesterday! They were in a 5 gallon fish tank but sadly.. there wasn't enough room and their water bottle kept falling off! (i had a small water bottle velcro-ed onto the wall but it wasn't holding well at all) The 5gallon tank was okay for one hamster, but for 2? No way. I got them a cage that has 2 tubes leading to 2 different levels and also the water bottle sticks to the cage! yeay! no more worrying about my hamsters dehydrating.
I also found that my hamsters like lettuce, carrots, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. They expect one every morning, smudging their faces up against the wall. Its really cute. I'll make sure I get a picture of that the next time they do it. It truly is cute. :)

I do want to mention that I put new videos up today. I usually try to limit myself with one per week but its so tempting to put 5 since every time I look at them they are doing something uber cute! But today I put up a couple, so make sure you check that out to see what these little hammies are up to. :3

Other than that, the hammies are doing great. I calculated Bon Bon's pregnancy and she will be due in 10-13 days. That is something I am looking forwards to. If you go to my website, you can see my upcoming litters and how to be on the waiting list. REMEMBER. People on the wait list get $5 off of each hamster they purchase. Make sure you do that soon if you are interested because that offer will expire when Bon Bon's babies are born. If you reserve one now you will receive the discount but if you wait until they are born, you will have to pay full price. Which isnt that much, but still.

Is there anything I am missing out? I think not. :) Well, if you have any questions, please email me. I am more than willing to answer questions. I check my email on a daily basis (it actually gets sent to my phone, so even better) so I'll respond fast.
Well I hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend. I know I am. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hello, Hamster fans!
Today was a pretty nice day outside. Sunny, yet a little bit of wind.. makes a fantastic day. But that was just a little bit of goodness in my day. The main happiness came from my new hamster, Sapphire. She is a Winter White dwarf hamster, just like Boo. The cool thing about her .. is that she is a Sapphire colored Winter White. I'm hoping when Sapphire and Boo has a litter, some will be just like her. Its great because they both have great temperment and personalities, so their litters will have that characteristic as well. I havent seen any mating going on yet, but they just met today.. so maybe I should be a little patient. I'm sure when the time is right, it will happen. :)
The robos are also doing very well. They seem active during midnight, which is good because I like to stay up until 2am. haha. I am still not sure if Bon Bon is really pregnant, but I think she is. She and Truffles has not mated since that one day I caught them. He doesnt seem to even try. He makes a nice nest for her in their house and she's very active when she's awake. Also, she's very hard to catch, almost impossible. Truffles is a little easier but Momma, no way. She just seems to run on her wheel and sleep. That's it. Well, if she really is pregnant.. we will know in just a couple weeks. Let's hope she has a lot of babies that are all healthy and happy. :) That, I am excited for.
Today I cleaned out the WW habitat since it smelled really odd. Almost sour. I didnt wash it after my sister used it for her robo, maybe that is why. But I bleached it today so it looks nice and shiny. I will clean the Robo cage tonight before bed. I am also thinking about rearranging the platforms because 3 is just way too many. They dont even go to the way top. So im thinking of taking them down and just having 2 platforms.. instead of 3. I'll let you guys know the update on that when I do it.

1. Sapphire (new) falling off the wheel and landing on her back, rolling
2. Top view of Sapphire, Boo, and their clean habitat
3. Boo eating his pumpkin seed
4. Boo counting his poop
5. Truffle eating his carrot

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DIY: Turn a ordinary FISH TANK into a HAMSTER HABITAT

I made my Robo Habitat from a 20 gallon tall fish tank that I had around the house. I used to raise turtles so I have a lot of tanks just sitting around, waiting to be used. I didn't want to spend too much money on a hamster cage and I also wanted to be able to see my hamsters clearly without an annoying metal bar or colorful plastic blocking my view. I wanted to make sure that there was a lot of room (most hamster cages are small, no floor space, or just tubes everywhere. GROSS)
1. Fish tank (I used 20 gallon tall. Tall is better than long.)
2. Wooden platforms (2 small, 1 medium)
3. Tall wooden sticks (6-10)
4. Small Popsicle sticks (a lot!)
5. Silicone Glue (used for bathtubs and sinks)
6. Hot Glue gun
1. Food bowl, Waterer, food
2. Bedding (I use corn-o-cob bedding for the main floor and pine bedding for the platforms and inside houses and huts)
3. Houses/Huts
4. Wheels
5. Toys (including chew toys)

1. Lay the tank on its back.
2. Take the wooden platform and place them where you want them. (high, medium, and low)
3. Glue platforms on with the silicone glue. (takes 24 hours to fully cure)
4. Once cured, place sticks under the platform for extra support. (if the silicone glue breaks, the platform needs a backup. You dont want your hamsters to get hurt!) Near edges are the best bet.
5. Take 2 sticks and lay them parallel. Take small Popsicle sticks and glue with the hot glue gun to form a ladder. (make 3)
6. Hot Glue gun them in place. One leading from floor to the first/lowest platform, from lowest platform to middle platform, from middle platform to highest platform. If you do not glue them on, the hamsters will chew on them and it can result to falling off and hamsters getting stuck at way top. Not being able to get down may stress them out and they may even jump off and that would not be a good picture. So make sure its hot GLUED on well.
7. Lay Corn-o-cob bedding on the base floor. Pine/Aspen bedding on all platforms.
8. Hang the waterer from the highest platform. (if using a 2o gallon tall tank, this should be perfect. If any larger or any smaller, I suggest getting a waterer that has suction cups so you can stick them on the walls of the tank. This may not be a good idea though since suction cups come off easily. Be creative and make your own hanger if that is the case.)
9. Place huts on any platform and at base.
10. Place your toys, wheels, accessories anywhere you please! BE CREATIVE!

I put a heating lamp over the habitat because I usually have my windows open all day and it gets really chilly in my room. If you decide to do this, make sure your hamsters are not over heating. How can you tell? If they sleep far away from the light as possible, you may want to take it down. Mine actually sleep right under it so it shows that they like it.
I suggest having a hut on the highest level just because it makes them feel like its secure up there.
One way to make your hamsters get a feel for the tank and actually go up and down the ladders is to stick them at the way top. PLEASE SUPERVISE THEM WHILE DOING THIS. THEY MAY FEEL SCARED AND JUST JUMP OFF! Let them naturally walk down the ladder. Don't push them down. Place a house at the top as well. Because they may feel scared and just going inside for a few minutes will calm them down. Then they will try again. This time, with success. DO NOT PUSH THEM UP THE LADDER EITHER. Unless you really want to freak out your hamsters, then do not do this. Let them come down naturally. They will come down and feel the safeness of the ladders and soon go up and down.
How long did it take for them to get used to their habitat and actually run up and down the ladder? couple hours. I took out their wheel so they wanted as much exercise as possible so they ended up just running up and down! Now they have their wheel and they still run up and down. When they want their privacy and peace and quiet, they go up to the tippy top and sleep in their house. There was NO FORCE at all when trying to get them used to their habitat.



So i decided to make a new blogger because yesterday I got myself a winter white dwarf hamster and didnt feel right to be a HARD CORE robo hamster fan.. when truly my heart also goes for the winter whites. So i decided to make a new blog, and new webpage, and also a new email address. So if you guys are looking for my NEW hamster links.. HERE THEY ARE.
And ide also like to say that my webpage for my hamsters are SO CLOSE to being done. just a little more detail here and there and it'll be done. For now, you guys can enjoy looking at it and seeing whats coming up.
You guys can delete my old blogger if you'de like.. im never going on there.. ever. LOL

DELETE www.robohamsterify.blogspot.com
DELETE www.robohamsterify.webpages.com (Rules+Conditions about THE HAPPY HAMSTERS website. you guys can delete it if you'de like)
EMAIL ADDRESS: thehappyhamsters@yahoo.com

you guys can email me for any questions or concerns.

I forgot to say.. my youtube is staying the same.. only because im too lazy to upload everything all over again. And also, I made a flickr for photos. So if you guys are interested in looking at that.. then go for it. Its pretty awesome!

So now im really starting my empire. I am so excited. :D